Corporate Governance Policy

Responsibilities of the Board:

  • Establish clear leadership role and responsibilities of the Board by strengthening Board effectiveness and defining objectives that promote sustainable value creation.
  • Ensure that the Company conducts its business with transparency, ethics, respecting the rights and responsibilities to the shareholders and all groups of stakeholders while being able to compete and successfully achieve good operating result including being resilience under various risk factors that might occur to the Company. 

Internal Control System:

  • Strengthen the effective risk management system and internal control in cooperation between the Board, the Audit Committee and the executives in order to conduct business in compliance with the good corporate governance principle by evaluating, reviewing and improving the effectiveness of the auditing/monitoring system regularly.

Nurture Innovation for work:

  • Nurture new innovation such as using new information technology to support employees in performing their duties or providing service to customers or suppliers as appropriate based on ethics, responsibilities to all relevant stakeholders and create sustainable value to the Company.

Development of Human Resources:

  • Ensure good personnel management in the field of development and education of operation and allocation of compensation and benefits that are suitable to duties and responsibilities in order to motivate and in line with the direction and strategy of the Company.


  • Conduct business with transparency and ensure financial integrity by disclosing information required by law, regulation and stipulation issued by the relevant regulators.

Conflict of Interest:

  • Monitor transactions which may cause conflict of interest or involve conflict between departments and ensure transparency and fairness without focusing on the interests of any one party.

Responsibilities to Society and Environment:

  • Promote or support participation in activity that will build good relationship between the Company and internal and external stakeholders of the Company including supporting arranging activity to help society and save environment.

Right and Equality:

  • Respect legal right of shareholders by treating them fairly and equally such as the right to profit sharing from the Company, the right to receive sufficient and equal information about the Company, right to attend the Shareholders’ Meeting to exercise voting in order to ensure that shareholders are involved in making decision on important matters of the Company, etc.

      Good Corporate Governance:

  • Enhance responsibilities towards all groups of stakeholders and society by encouraging directors, executives and employees to perform their duties in compliance with laws, business code of ethics and corporate governance code.