Best Practice towards Stakeholders:

Role and Responsibility towards Shareholders:

To carry out our missions transparently with integrity and any decision making is done base on trustworthiness and fairness to the shareholders both major and minor shareholders and for the best interest of all concerned groups as a whole. 

  • Manage the Company’s business to the best prosperity, stability and contribute appropriate and regular returns to the shareholders.
  • Carry out missions professionally to the best capacity and with due care.
  • Report to the shareholders the Company’s accurate financial status equally, regularly and completely.
  • Shall not disclose the Company’s confidential information to others on bad faith.
  • Shall not do any action that might lead to conflict of interest with the Company.
  • Perform mission in awareness of current and potential risk.
  • Operate business with transparency.

Role and Responsibility towards Employees:

  • Maintain a hygienic working environment, safe and sound for life and property of employees.
  • Provide reasonable remunerations to the employees in relation to their experience, knowledge, ability, responsibility and work performance in comparable with other leading companies.
  • The appointment and transfer as well as rewarding and penalties of the employees shall be done fairly and impartially base on the caliber and performance of such employee.
  • Treat employees with mercy and justice. Take care of their hygiene and respect their individuality and human dignity.
  • Emphasize on the importance of development and training of knowledge and skill to the employees by providing thorough and regular opportunity to all employees.
  • Strictly comply with the laws and other rules with regards to the employees.
  • Encourage employees’ participation in determining the directions of business and problem solving of the Company.
  • Listen to the opinion and suggestions of the employees in all levels equally and impartially.
  • Provide whistle blowing channels to the employees.

Role and Responsibility towards Customers:

  • Treat all customers equally and strive to provide services to all groups of customers fairly.
  • Fulfill and comply with the agreement or other conditions engaged with the customers.  In case of the inability to comply, notice or negotiation should be done in advance in order to find mutual solutions and to prevent future damage.
  • Determine to build satisfaction and confidence to the customers to ensure that they will receive excellent quality services with security and proper technology which standard will be constantly and intensely upgraded.
  • Disclose our services information completely, accurately and timely without any distortion while maintaining sound and sustainable relationship with the customers.
  • Organize our service providing system efficiently so that complaints can be filed and solutions can be handled instantly and satisfactorily.
  • Operate business with possible reasonable cost while maintaining standardized services.
  • Strongly emphasize on the keeping of customers’ information confidential and never use them for personal or related person’s interest.
  • Do not disclose customers’ information obtained from business operation which is normally concealed unless it is disclosed by duty or law.
  • Do not solicit, receive or offer any benefits to customers on bad faith.

Role and Responsibility towards Suppliers:

  • Fulfill and comply with the agreement or other conditions engaged with the suppliers.  In case of the inability to comply, notice or negotiation should be done in advance in order to find mutual solutions and to prevent future damage.
  • Treat suppliers equally, transparently and fairly on the basis of mutual returns for both parties.
  • Do not solicit, receive or offer any benefits to suppliers on bad faith.
  • Assess suppliers on a regular basis to promote mutual sustainable business relationships.

Role and Responsibility towards Creditors:

  • Fulfill and comply with the agreement or other conditions engaged with the creditors regarding the repayment, custody of collateral and other criteria.  In case of the inability to comply, notice or negotiation should be done in advance in order to find mutual solutions and to prevent future damage.
  • Report the correct financial information of the Company to all creditors completely, timely and regularly.
  • Do not solicit, receive or offer any benefits to creditors on bad faith.

Role and Responsibility towards Business Competitors:

  • Act within good competitive framework.
  • Shall not seek undisclosed business information of the competitors by illegal, improper or inappropriate method.
  • Shall not destroy business competitor’s reputation with false statements or without truth.

Role and Responsibility towards Society and Environment:

  • Organize or participate in Corporate Social Responsibility activities that will contribute to society and the environment on a regular basis in order to return profits to society.
  • Give importance to the activities in the community and society especially in terms of society, community and environmental development including the conserving of natural resources and the supporting of public activities, etc.
  • Continuously encourage awareness of social and environmental responsibilities in the Company and in all levels of employees.
  • Coordinate and manage to have the related laws and regulations complied strictly.
  • React immediately and efficiently to the incidents that have impact on the environment and community which arising from the Company’s operation by fully coordinating with the government officer or other related organization.
  • Adhere to democracy and encourage employees to exercise their voting rights under the constitution.
  • Be neutralized by not doing any action which shows special concentration in any one political party.

Role and Responsibility towards Government:

  • Plan the Company’s operation to be in line with the rules and regulations of the government.
  • Strictly comply with the law and regulations of relevant authorities.