SET Announcements

06 Jul 2023: The 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Revised)

SET Announcements

SET Announcements

05 Jul 2023: Publication of the invitation to the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on the website and invite shareholders to submit questions in advance

SET Announcements

SET Announcements

29 Jun 2023: Legal Update in Cambodia Group Lease Holdings Pte. Ltd.

SET Announcements

SET Announcements

29 Jun 2023: The 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Revised)

SET Announcements

SET Announcements

27 Jun 2023: The 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

SET Announcements

SET Announcements

16 Jun 2023: Additional Clarification re the Filing of the Rehabilitation Petition Against Group Lease PCL by J Trust Asia Pte. Ltd. (JTA) (Revised)

SET Announcements

SET Announcements

16 Jun 2023: Additional Clarification re the Filing of the Rehabilitation Petition Against Group Lease PCL by J Trust Asia Pte. Ltd. (JTA)

SET Announcements

SET Announcements

15 May 2023: Update on the progress on the elimination of the ground for delisting

SET Announcements

SET Announcements

11 May 2023: Notice of Filing of Petition for Rehabilitation against the Company and the Court’s Decision Not to Accept the Petition

SET Announcements

SET Announcements

11 May 2023: Petition for Winding Up of Group Lease Holdings Pte. Ltd.

SET Announcements